Many different animals compete over different resources to survive. They compete over prey,  shelter and more importantly water.  The water here is a rare resorce recently since most of the heartland and chaparrel areas have been in a drought in recent years. That is most likely why some of the weaker speicies have died  off and stronger plants and animals provailed such as a few speces of cacti that can hold water for a long time. These plants also have a defense mecanism and thats why they survive.
5/6/2016 01:56:48 pm


3/30/2018 09:04:40 am

I don't like this website

Alexis torres whoms't've goes to cooley
5/18/2018 02:14:06 pm

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alexis torres whomst goes to cooley number 2
5/18/2018 02:16:22 pm

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9/13/2018 11:01:04 am


4/11/2019 07:40:35 am

This website is so dumb, a preschooler could make a better one. All of this info is not useful and is probably not correct. Do not use this website for anything.Who ever made this should take it down. Thank you


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